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BINOCULARS night vision

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Series «Gals B» series devices are reliable night vision binoculars on image tubes  of 1, 1+, 2+, 3 generation with optimal optics-mechanical and ergonomic design with high-strength aluminum case; powerful optics  of 3X-6X magnification; light overload protection; integrated LED-based infra-red illuminator; the ability to fasten an additional powerful infra-red illuminator; the ability to use 1X lenses and head mask to operate as night vision goggles.
Night night vision binoculars Gals B11
Gals B11 (Gen.1+)
Gals B11 are Gen. 1+ professional night vision binoculars avaliable with 3.6X and 4.6X magnification. The devicde has two independent image intensifying channels to improve picture quality and detecting range under low light conditions. Gals B11 creates 3D stereoscopic image. It is equipped with built-in focuable IR illuminator and has light overload protectrion feature and LED power and IR mode indicators. Aluminum alloy body ensures light weight, strength and internal parts protection.
Specifications >>>
Бинокль ночного видения Gals B02
B02 (GEN 1)
классический бинокль с оптимальными оптико-механическими и эргономическими характеристиками. Микропроцессорным управлением режимами работы, низким энергопотреблением. Защитой от ярких засветок. Индикаторами включения прибора и разряда элементов питания. Встроенным ИК-осветителем. Оптической системой, устраняющей необходимость регулирования межзрачкового расстояния. Может быть использован с объективами кратностью 3,6х или 5х, установлен на шлем-маску, оборудован навесным лазерным или диодным ИК-осветителем, значительно увеличивающим дальность видения и распознавания.
Технические характеристики >>>
Binocular night vision Gals PB21
РВ21 (GEN 2+/3)
are the most compact of their kind, modern night-vision binoculars. Equipped with automatic brightness control, protection from bright illumination, the cartridge of dewatering, the input to fill with dry air or nitrogen, ‘power on/off’ and ‘low battery’ indicators, built-in infrared illuminator. They have a base of eyes adjustable in a wide range (59-70mm), convenient push-button controls of operating modes, a rail to mount an additional infrared illuminator. Available with lenses of 3x, 4x, 5,5 x.
Technical characteristics >>>
Binoculars night vision Gals B21
В21 (GEN 2+/3)
are binoculars for professionals with high demands on image quality. Binocular configuration of the device implements a high-quality stereoscopic images, which leads to greater recognition distance of 1.5 times in comparison with the monocular and pseudo binoculars. Binoculars are produced with magnification of 3x and 4x. Equipped with automatic brightness control, protection from bright illumination, the cartridge of dewatering, the input to fill with dry air or nitrogen, ‘power on/off’ and ‘low battery’ indicators, built-in infrared illuminator. They have convenient push-button controls of operating modes, a rail to mount an additional IR-illuminator.
Technical characteristics >>>
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SIGHTS night vision
MONOCULARS night vision
BINOCULARS night vision
GOGGLES night vision

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Address: 81-301, Frunze prospect, Vitebsk, 210033, Belarus
Phone: +375 212 60 30 40, +7 9850601130
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